Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Alex Barbour

I've been neglecting the blog lately, and it was recommended to me by a powerful force greater than myself (Mom) that I update the blog. I thought about it and came to reason that a new life in the family did deserve at least a few words.

Alex was born a couple of weeks ago and (in my opinion) is huge, loud, and hungry once every hour or so. Even so, he is adorable, and this is one of my favorite pictures of him.

Awesome, right? This post is kinda short due to lack of time, so I might make another in the near future.

- The Blogger

Wednesday, December 28, 2011


Christmas this year was quite the success! Most of this post will consist of pictures, since I'm a bit too lazy to write a lot. First of all, I looked at the picture of us in the hallway taken last year, and compared it to this year's.

See the resemblance? Our tree was also really nice too! Dad and Katelyn spent quite a while working on it.

Katelyn's big present this Christmas was an electric drum set! She literally can't stop playing it!

This year Mom got a giant stuffed lion from Katelyn for the baby. Obviously she loved it!

Overall, it was a successful holiday. We did have one sad part to it when we found that Katelyn's hamster, Winter, had passed away overnight. We partook in a short but emotional funeral for her, and then proceeded to get back to our festivities. It killed the mood just a bit, but we still had a great day.

Hope you have a happy New Year's!

- The Blogger

Sunday, December 18, 2011

Winter Break

Yeah, it's winter break for me now!

In addition to that great news, I can say that nearly all of my Christmas shopping is already done on day one! I'm usually so bad about this kind of thing every year, but I've decided to stay slightly more on top of things! Except for my music choice. I'm still listening to Mannheim Steamroller's Halloween music. I really enjoy it a bit more than the Christmas tunes I should be listening to.

Anyway it's been a fairly dull point in life here which is why I haven't blogged too much recently. Uni recently had it's finals which I studied 5+ hours for. I think I did alright in computer literacy, excellent in math, and horrible in Latin. Just what I think. Our computer literacy project due last Tuesday was an html website that we all were assigned to create. Mine pretty much came in second place, the "winner" sort of cheated his way to the top by using Flash. Mine was still one of the best. Here's the URL:


Hope it gets a few clicks! Also hope to make another post when things get more interesting (e.g. Christmas).

- The Blogger

Saturday, December 3, 2011


Just like I blogged about last year, we headed up to Iowa for Thanksgiving. In case you were wondering (like I'm sure you were) my scar from playing ping pong I got from our last visit is still there. We arrived with a large fruit basket in tow, and the instant we got there, we moved right along to eating it.

The BarbouRoskes showed up not too much longer after that and we had a proper thanksgiving feast!

It was a very successful Thanksgiving, but now it's the weekend and I have to get back to doing my homework and chores.

Real quick, the Poll of the Month:

What is your least favorite season?

Hope to make a new post soon!

- The Blogger

Sunday, November 13, 2011


Hey everybody! While Mom was digging through Dad's laptop, she found an old video that was only on his. In the old video, Katelyn just turned three years old and is being her innocent three-year-old self. I put this up because Mom thought it would be a good idea and it earned Katelyn's seal of approval.

Here it is.

Kind of funny, right? She was very cute back then. Just a quick blog post today.

- The Blogger

Saturday, November 5, 2011

A Blog Post!

Happy Birthday! But wait, who's birthday is it? Not mine, not Katelyn's, not Dad's, not Mom's . . . not Toby's either. It's the birthday of the Barbour Blog! Technically, it's birthday was six days ago on the 31st, but we're celebrating it anyway.

First order of business: New Poll of the Month . . . Deploying . . . Done.

Now that that's over with, it was actually the Poll of the Month that inspired me to do this blog post. The lack of buzz of my last one means that not very many people come here very often probably because I'm so bad about updating it now. Without further ado, the blog post!

Halloween was a blast for us! For starters, I had a great costume. A mad scientist!

At Uni, all 320 or so students got to participate in the costume contest where we got to wear our costumes to school and have a competition for the best costume by popular vote. I made it past round two. The first place winer was a Prox Card, which is the key each student is given to get into the building. Second place was a beekeeper and third place was a zombie teacher.

This halloween was the first one where I didn't go trick or treating. Instead, I did something I would much rather do. See, the previous day, Dad and I build a radio controlled spider out of an old monster truck we found in the garage. A few hours of work later, it turned out pretty nice!

On halloween night, I put my mad scientist costume on and slipped into the shadows. I would put the spider at the front of the driveway where nobody would see it (after we pulled the car out) and when anybody walked up, I would drive it at full speed to scare them! Most of the people who saw it got a kick out of it, and it was a very fun night for me.

I hope to make another post soon!

- The Blogger

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Ahh, Weekends.

Friday night: "Awesome, it's the weekend! Time to goof off, I'll have plenty of time!"

Saturday morning: "I should probably get my homework done today."

Saturday afternoon: "One assignment is good for now. I'll get it done tomorrow."

Sunday morning: "I should probably get to doing my homework soon. Just not now."

Sunday afternoon: "Just a few minutes on the computer, then I promise I'll start."

Sunday night: "Why didn't I get this done before?! So tired . . ."

Then the five school days pass and I repeat. See, I have a bit of a procrastinating issue if you didn't happen to notice. It's about 8:30 right now and I just finished my homework right before I started this post. Granted it was the extra credit I was finishing, my point is still sound.

So far the only homework I'm enjoying is the Computer Literacy homework where we have to practice the html code we're learning. Basically, I'm designing a cool website for myself.

My least favorite homework is Latin. I'm not doing too well having to memorize so much.

Sorry that I'm not making a poll of the month for September. Hope you saw the results on the last one!

- The Blogger