Monday, December 27, 2010

Taste of Fame

Today was day 2 of our Grandparents being here! They arrived last night and we all opened presents and ate dinner. Today we had a day 10 times better! I got to spend a ton of time today on Minecraft, so that made me happy! But the biggest highlight of the day was when we went sledding and a reporter for ABC interviewed us! It showed on the 5:00 news! It was so awesome that even Toby got to be on TV! (Nice thumbnail by the way. :-P)

That was cool! Anyways, a little later, we are going to go swimming in Grandad and Grandma's hotel pool. Not too often you get to sled AND swim on the same day!

Also, don't forget to comment! It's just a little button at the bottom. I really like to hear the thoughts of my audience!

- The (thrilled) Blogger

Sunday, December 26, 2010


Well, the greatest time of the year has passed. Christmas. As usual, we took a slew of photos and I smiled my cheeks off. It was worth it, though. The day before Christmas, we went over to Grandpa and Jackie's house to receive the first gifts of Christmas. A book on C++ programming!

After church that night, we went to bed at about 9:00. So many traditions here. First, I always get a present in my room as an introduction to Christmas. It was the Guinness Book of World Records 2011! Second, I always wake up at around 1:30 AM and go sleep in the hallway. Katelyn usually joins me. I'm going to see if I can get the pictures to explain the rest.

The thing under the hat is me. I almost wore it for a full 24 hours straight!

It actually snowed for once on Christmas! Amazing!

Here are all the presents under the tree.

Toby was happy today!

Here's me taking a picture of my main Christmas present!

In the end I got everything I wanted . . .

And Katelyn got everything she wanted

In complete reality, this was one of the best Christmases ever! Grandma came over later that day and I got even more presents! I ran out of space to put it all, so I piled it up in my room. I can't wait to go to Iowa to see even more of my Grandparents!

Merry (day after) Christmas!

-The satisfied Blogger

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Winter Break

Saturday was the first day of Winter Break! Yay! I've already made $35 babysitting Katelyn! Of course, most of break has been stress for me. I am the world's biggest procrastinator. I put stuff off until I feel like doing it to the extreme level. Take blogging for example. It's been almost a week since I last blogged. Not including the one I made earlier today.

On Friday, the 7th grade took an incentive to Skateland! Roller skates, that is. They got new skates that I really hate. They disobey you! It was still fun there! Me and 5 friends got two 16" pizzas and ate all but one slice. For fun, we practically went out into the mass of middle schoolers and shouted "Free pizza slice!" They almost killed Grant.

For the past few days, I have been feeling more and more stressed about Christmas. I was about half way done with presents and still am not!!! Three days left! Stupid Minecraft obsession!

Anyways, I'll pick up the pace a bit. I hope.

- The (terrified) Blogger.

The Concerts

Six days ago, Katelyn and I both had concerts on the same day. Hers ended at 7:00 while mine began at 7:00. It was close. I've been busy and haven't had time to blog recently. I'm back though!

What happened was first my parents dropped me off at Jefferson so I could get ready for the band concert, then took Katelyn to Robeson so she could prepare for hers. It all worked out fine with our parents just missing the beginning of my band concert.

During our performances, Katelyn got to play the bells and I got to take another whack at my solo. It turned out much better even though you can't hear it as well because of out camera. Sorry about that.

To make up for all of my other misses of blogging, at 6:00 tonight I'm going to post ANOTHER post about the previous week.

- The Blogger.

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Pizza Party

Today I had a pizza party! It was for members of the student council only. Since I am third in command (secretary), I could absolutely go! There was a Wii and an XBox. It was a blast! I killed everyone that dared challenge me in everything Wii Sports Resort. It felt great!
The funny thing with the games was that this one girl named Emily didn't want to bring Rockband because she thought it might not have been school appropriate, but another kid brought Nazi Zombies AND Halo! They were allowed to play them right there in the school library too! The irony! I myself brought about five games, but we didn't play any of them.

Two days of school left!

-The Blogger

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Christmas Shopping

I am back at school. I just have to say, yesterday's snow day pretty much saved me. I started and finished nearly all of my Christmas shopping in only four hours!!! Not too bad, huh? I still have a lot left to do with wrapping and all of that, but I got most of my buying done! Four different stores, about 80% of my Christmas fund spent, and still just over half way done.


I did manage to get some wrapping done and I must say, it makes a fine addition to the tree.

I do realize that this is kind of a bad photo taken on my cell phone at night, but I try to
always include a picture or movie in my posts. It helps catch the eye better. Not necessarily this
picture, but you know what I mean.

Three more days left of school before break! Can't wait!

- The Blogger

Monday, December 13, 2010

School Free!


It has been 11 days since I made my last blog post! If you ever E-mail me, you know that I complain a lot about me being late to respond, so this is not a first for me. However, this is a first for the blog, and for that, I am very sorry. The reason I haven't been keeping up, you ask? Computer games, Wi - Fi, and sickness.

First off, we have been having some minor Wi - Fi problems for the past week. All of which got fixed, but still caused a problem for people like me who love to blog. It was a problem in parts of Chicago as well, but it's all better now. Secondly, I caught the bug that my mom had, got sick and missed a couple days of school. The perfect blogging time, right? Wrong! I had to either sit and watch TV or fall asleep. No computer time. I guess I could have blogged if I had wanted to, but I just wasn't up for it.

Lastly, Friday night (when I was planning on making a post here), I discovered a new computer game called Minecraft. For me, it may just be the most addicting game ever. I played the trial for only an hour before I decided to buy the whole thing! You are put on a randomly generated setting and have to mine underground for resources that you can use to make things. It is the ultimate game of creativity! I was so hooked on it that every chance I had to use my computer, I spent on Minecraft.

We had a very busy weekend. The fist thing that happened was it snowed about half a foot! We got to play in it and I would bet that I threw at least 20 snowballs at Katelyn!

Katelyn got pounded in the forehead with a snowball.

Look out!

Even in this picture I'm still holding a snowball.

What a fun day that was! We also saw the Nutcracker ballet for the fourth year in a row! I knew it so well that I even caught the fact that the orchestra skipped a song! Dance of the sugarplum fairies! How do you skip that?! We also bought a tree and Katelyn and Dad decorated it. I put the first ornament up.

Like it? Love it!

They decorated the tree very nicely! (I don't know why this is underlined)

Katelyn is proud of her work.

I almost forgot why I titled this post "School Free". Today is a snow day! This would mean that this is the fifth day in a row that I will have missed school! Yeah!

I made a goal last night: I won't play Minecraft until I finish my homework, update the blog, and finish Christmas shopping. I miss it so much. I sure hope I haven't lost any viewers because of this delay in posting! Until next post, good bye!

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Wii Fit

Today my mom told me that I wasn't getting enough exercise because it was winter and Cross Country season was over. Usually I do wrestling during the winter, but because I decided this year that I wasn't going to do it by replacing it with cross country, this creates a problem. Of course, I still do tennis once a week, but she doesn't think that that counts. Then I came up with the best idea ever! (I've actually had several great ideas, but I'm not going to go into those at the moment.)

I decided to make a compromise. To combine my love and need for the Wii and the fact that Mom wanted me to get some exercise, I told her that for two hours a week, I would do some aerobic exercise on it like Wii Sports and Wii fit, and for two hours a week, I would do some yoga on Wii Fit (Wii Fit Plus).

She seemed happy with this, until I factored in homework, school, video games, and eating, and realized that would mean that I would have almost no down time after school. No big deal. I could do this on the weekends!

By the way, here are a couple of my cross country pictures:

By the way, in the locker room today, someone saw my scar that I had on my chest. I told
them how I got it and they apparently had one too! I guess I was right and ping pong really
could be considered dangerous! See you later!

Wednesday, December 1, 2010


Today I decided to pay more attention to the people around me at school. When I did that, I realized that some of the most enforced rules at the school are also the most broken! For example, the three major rules at JMS is that you aren't allowed to have gum, no cell phones on during class, and laser pointers are confiscated on sight. Every one was broken at least once today.
In third hour, I saw a kid with a laser pointer! On! How much stupider can you get?! In fourth and sixth hour, I saw a total of four kids with their cell phones under their desks. A kid in front of me was playing pac - man, so I got to watch. During sixth hour, a kid in the back was offering his friend some gum and eating it right then and there. Oh! In seventh hour today, we had a substitute and this one kid had a pink camera right out in plain sight and was taking pictures for the last ten minutes!
And everybody knows that people do this. The only reason that people don't tell is that it's so common that it would be like telling on someone for eating! Plus, it would bump your rank to "tattletale", and that's not too fun.
Well, sorry that I don't have any pictures of this for the blog, but I don't break the rules at all at school and bring stuff like that in class. It's just wrong.
Oh, and by the way, the poll results are in:
Blowing up national monuments - 3 votes
Average day for a middle schooler - 4 votes
Breaking a world record - 4 votes
Building a cloning machine -3 votes
Real helpful guys. Don't forget to check back in for the next Poll of the Month!