Monday, January 24, 2011

Winter Dance

Friday was the winter dance. I missed the fall dance because I was in St. Louis. You remember those posts.

Anyways, I'm on Student Council and have to try to attend the dances as much as possible. Speaking of SC, our president, Evan (you may know him from many of my Andy Production 3000 movies), didn't do one day of it! Kind of a HUGE lack of school spirit if our president doesn't do it. Back on topic, I showed up at the dance really early because I signed up to help with set up. It was actually kind of fun!

From here on out, there really isn't much more to blog about. Basically most of the kids arrived and I worked a shift at the concession stand for a full reimbursement of my entrance fee. I like concessions. I hung out with friends and we had a fun time! A DJ was playing music and I even managed to get my socially - challenged best friend Evan to dance a little bit.

By the way, as far as the poll goes, Rock is taking the lead with Pop a close second.

- The Blogger

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

May The F=ma Be With You

This is going to be kind of a long post due to the fact that I'm going to try to include Katelyn's tumbling meet and Superhero Day at school.

First of all, I wasted my entire Saturday in Peoria with Katelyn. Sounds harsh, but I guess it's payback for all the wrestling meets she had to sit through (3 or 4 max!!). She had her first tumbling meet in Peoria and we watched her compete 3 times over the course of the day. No Minecraft at all to entertain myself. Here, I put up some pictures:

She was pretty happy! Until she started to feel sick and we spent about 30-40 minutes trying to make her feel better. But before we left, we bought $20 of raffle tickets. I got to have six of them to spend of my own free will! Amazing!

I put one in for an iPod nano, and the other six for the $750 worth of cash. Pretty sweet. I had never won a raffle before in my life and I was hoping against hope against hope I would win this one time.

On another note, a month ago, remember when I posted about that Student Council pizza party? Well that was partially a meeting too. A meeting that decided the fate of this week. It's Spirit Week, where we get to do wacky stuff at school. I helped decide today: Superhero day. We all dress like a superhero.

Well, being creative me, I decided to make one up: THE GEEKINATOR! But everybody at school decided to call me PI GUY. I didn't mind. We took this this morning.

It's just me with a duct tape and pencil hat with a cape holding the Pi symbol wearing dorky glasses and a shirt that says "MAY THE F = ma BE WITH YOU" holding my sidekick: Nerd Boy. Funny.

Anyways, today was also the day of the Finish Line party from forever ago. We were dismissed at 12:30 to go to the Refinery for a party. Or that's what it said on the flyer. It's a party for those who raised more than $50 in a fundraiser. There were about 20 people there from school. Turns out that it really wasn't much of a party at all.

They made us do yoga with them, dance with them (of which almost none of us did), and do some exercise. They also put out "healthy and fun snacks". I was so hungry that I ate about 30 carrots! Lastly they did a raffle. You know my luck with those. The most insane thing was that the bike was won by the kid in the wheelchair!

When we got back to school there was only about 5 minutes left and I realized that they had taken pictures for the yearbook while I was gone. I was robbed. On my walk home, I realized that I had a missed call from an unknown number. There was a voicemail too. YES! My luck has proven strong! I won the raffle! I listened to the voicemail, eager to see what I had won: "Hello. Please hold for a survey regarding . . ." and that's all I hear before I hang up the phone in despair.

Anyways, may the F=ma be with me next time.

- The Blogger

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Mom's Birthday!

Well, It's 1/11/11. It's my mom's birthday! She says it's a tradition to say some really kind things about the person and post nice pictures of them as well. I'm not sure if this is true or not, but I'm just going to go with the flow. Since she is more often behind the camera than in front of it, I don't exactly have a ton of photos to put up here. I do still have some up here. Aren't they nice?

It's time for me to keep up the rest of the tradition (which may or may not be real) and name the reasons why I think my mom is awesome.

1) She loves her iPad possibly even more than I love mine

2) She agrees with me that word searches are not appropriate for 7th graders if you're finding the 50 states

3) She puts up with my complaints about vacuuming while she does every other house chore (sometimes)

4) She is supportive of of my academic decisions

5) She has a sense of humor similar to mine

Thinking back to these, I probably missed a couple hundred or so. Still, it's blogging - not book writing. I hope you really do have a great birthday, Mom. :-)

- The Blogger

Monday, January 10, 2011

December Poll 2010 Results

The December poll has been over for 10 days now and I still haven't done anything about it. I'm here now to announce the final results.

Small Dog: 3 votes

Large Dog: 3 votes

Hamster: 2 votes

Cat: 5 votes

Hippopotamus: 4 votes

This surprises me a little bit because I didn't think the hippo would come in second place! Either way, be sure to check out the new poll of the month too! You can select multiple answers for this one!

- The Blogger

Sunday, January 9, 2011


I don't really know how to start this post. Minecraft is the source of all of my procrastination because it is so addicting. Let me take a moment I guess to explain what it is and how it works.

Minecraft is a sandbox construction game, which means that there is no goal in the game - you just build on. When you first start the game, you are put on a terrain similar to this:

On the surface it has trees, dirt, some rock, sand, water, etc. All the stuff you would find naturally in the wilderness. It doesn't look like much to build with. You have nothing (unlike me with my inventory full in this picture) to start with and have to survive zombie attacks at night by building a shelter.
You might start something like this: Cut down tree. Make wooden pickaxe. Dig down for rock. Harvest rock. Build stone house. But as you continue your house and get bored, you might end up doing this: find reed. Make reed farm. Harvest reed. Turn into paper. Add wood and make a bookshelf. Put bookshelf as decoration. Funnest game ever.

When I get bored, I make this: A huge sign that says my screen name.

This is a part of my house that I'm still working on.

I have a farm that grows cactus, trees, and reed.

Interesting combination of water and lava.

This is underneath the pretty landscape of grass and flowers. Dark caves and lava.

This is my entire house from a distance.

This is a truly addicting game. I play on the online multiplayer mode so everyone can see my masterpiece. It's more fun that way. Warning: Original people will hate this game. Be creative, and have fun! The cost is currently about $13 or so.

- The (addicted) Blogger

Saturday, January 1, 2011


First off, happy first day of 2011!

After Grandad and Grandma came over to spend some time with us, we all drove to Iowa to see McKinley, Bre, Aunt Jen, Aunt Dawn, Nana B, and Nana C. It was a lot of fun! We got to open even more presents!

Here's Katelyn and Bre posing with Grandma.

Bre got about a million hats from us!

Bre and Katelyn built a couple of snowmen (and a dog)!

I finally finished the 3D diamond puzzle!

It was a fun trip. We came back home, celebrated New Year's eve, and what do you know! It's 2011! But the stress isn't over yet. I have homework. I have to finish my book, and do a project on it. Due in six days. School can be a real pain in the neck sometimes.

Well, happy new year again.

- The Blogger.