Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Snow Days

Okay, first of all I just have to say that on average, per week this blog is getting up to numbers in the late sixties when it comes to viewers! Most of them are probably just Mom, but whatever. Viewers are viewers.

First of all, we have a snow day! Actually, two snow days! Today's the second one. Our math teacher came up with the idea that wearing your pajamas inside out gave better luck of a snow day! Apparently that works! Along with the help of a few inches of snow and severe winds. Some ice never hurts. Unless you slip.

We set up a survival station in our living room for when the power went out. There's still a chance it could, but for the first time all winter, I can actually see sun out the window, so chances are pretty slim. Oh well! Still fun to have around!

Check out how much snow we have here! Not at ton compared to northern Illinois, but still. We all love snow!

On another note, we're having a dystopia (can you believe that's how you spell it?) unit in English class, so I read the book Unwind. Our other choices were the Hunger Games series or Uglies, but I've already read both of those. I read it and loved it! I even recommended it to Mom and she couldn't put it down either!

Now we're reading the same series after we finished that, also sort of a dystopia book. It's called Life As We Knew It, about when an asteroid hits the moon and sends it way closer to the Earth and waves and volcanos all get messed up. It's really good and even though I started it way before Mom, she finished it way before me. Typical.

Lastly, I have the final results from the Poll Of The Month:

Rock - 9
Pop - 7
Jazz - 5
Country - 4
Rap - 3
Classical - 3
Electric - 2

The electric and classical is kind of depressing because that's the kind I make on my computer for fun. Am I considered boring? Ahh! Be sure to check out the new Poll of the Month!

- The (boring?) blogger

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