Sunday, May 22, 2011

The Katmobile

Right up front, I want to say that I did fix the movie problem! The URL to see it is here:

Not too bad. I still see things I could improve on. I have 2 new movies buzzing around in my head, so still be prepared!

Other good news, we recently bought a new vehicle for our long drive to the Rockies! Mom insisted on naming it, so we settled on The Batmobile. I loved the name, until Katelyn stated that she hated the name and officially changed the name to The Katmobile. I am most certainly not a fan of the name, but there's nothing I can do about it.

In my head I call it The Batmobile.

The school recently held it's last band concert of the year! Here's the video of my favorite song that we performed that night.

Until next time,

- The Blogger

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