Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Another School Day

I've devoted this post to another post about school. Mostly I'm writing about this to get out of my math homework I'm supposed to be doing, but Mom will understand. I hope.

Over the weekend I spent a few hours doing a project I was very much behind on and was due the next day. Tuesday came, and guess what! She decided it wasn't due until next Monday! Incredible how that works, huh? Anyways, today I was crowned "Math king of the day" which is just a fun, random, unofficial thing our math teacher does. I was declared it because I was the only one in the class who could define the word "perpendicular"! We learned it in 4th grade! That was kind of a nice touch to my day.

Then next hour in English, our assignment was that we were supposed to write concrete poems about something. I decided to make my own, and for me, every poem I write must rhyme. Something like this:

Rectangles are easy to be found. They can be square but may not be round.
The shape of a tissue box for when you sneeze, each of their angles are ninety degrees.

Yeah, I would have made it longer but I was pressed for time. When I turned it in to our English teacher, she made me go back to the math teacher and read it in front of her class! They're good friends and often barge in so it's no big deal. She crowned me "Math king of the day" a second time for it! That was pretty cool!

While I'm blogging about school, I might as well put down my adventures in lunch that I never bothered to blog about but really should have. Sometimes people do stuff at lunch that are just stupid and you get FULL blame for it.

The first incident was when I was sitting at the lunch table. Well, you could have inferred that, but just something I need to say before this, our lunch table has about three fourths good people, and one fourth bad people in simplest terms. Now, the bad people were goofing off with somebody's potato chips and the bag exploded. It was all clumped on one side of the table and imagine that, their class was called and so it left most of the good people there. On that side of the table. With the chips. It looked exactly like we had done it and we'd get in trouble. So, they all decided to move to the other end of the table. I disagreed, but when they all did it and I was sitting there, BUM BUM BUUUUUM. I quickly decided to move to their end, when a lunch supervisor walked over, saw me moving away from a giant mess, and demanded I clean it up right away. Thankfully, the others took a little bit of pity on me and helped me out.

The last incident was one a bit more serious. Just a little. This one person at our table was goofing around with applesauce on her elbow. She was just playing around, pretending to get people with it and it was just fun. She was laughing like her lungs would pop out. She got to my end and I ducked but she slipped by accident and landed on the floor, still cracking up and a lunch supervisor came over and insisted that I had tripped her. WHAT? Even some of the other kids at the table looked confused, but applesauce girl was laughing too hard to defend me. I gave one last pleading look to the other kids at the table but they were as shocked as I was. I was told to sit outside the cafeteria for a moment. When I saw my class walk away, I slipped in with them and life was back to normal.

I'm certain some of you (Nanas) will contradict me, saying I was guilty, but I wouldn't be saying this if I wasn't completely innocent. Stupid lunch supervisors.

Blog ya later!

- The Blogger

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Snow and Valentines Day

Hmmm. It's been 19 days since my last blog post. Enough time for snow to fall, melt, and rain. Time to catch up.

The first thing that happened was . . . it snowed! For the second time all winter we went sledding! And even the next day we went sledding, and guess what happened there. Remember that reporter that interviewed me in my post, "Taste of Fame"? Well she was back and recognized us! We said hi and she interviewed some new people.

Here is my favorite frame from a movie my dad recorded of us.

We had some pretty serious crashes that day. Once we got home from sledding, Katelyn had the idea to build another snowman this winter. She rolled a snowball on top of me and dad raced to get the camera. Funny. If you click the picture, you can even see some of the scars and bruises I got on my face!

We finished the snowman in about 20 minutes! Dad added ears so it turned into snowbear.

There's me looking dorky as ever.

Valentines day came and we all exchanged gifts. Literally an hour before I had sent both of them E-cards. I got nothing but candy, so I was pretty happy.

Here are Mom and Katelyn looking nice.

Yeah, back to current events, every last bit of snow here melted. Sadly so did snowbear. It's even raining here as I type this! But on the up side, the temperatures are rising to sweatshirt, not coat levels, so I'm pretty happy about that.

Oh! How could I have forgotten?! On Saturday I went to band contest! It's not really contest, more like you play a song for judges and they grade you on it. I had been practicing for this for about a month now. When it came time for my turn, I played the song with my piano accompanist and we sounded pretty good. A few of my friends were in there too. But what really bummed me out was that most of my friends got ones, but I got a two. Oh well. Still sort of fun.

Also, for some reason, the poll closed on us. I'm not sure why, but I guess we'll just wait 7 more days for a new one.

Alright, I'm out.

- The Blogger

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Snow Days

Okay, first of all I just have to say that on average, per week this blog is getting up to numbers in the late sixties when it comes to viewers! Most of them are probably just Mom, but whatever. Viewers are viewers.

First of all, we have a snow day! Actually, two snow days! Today's the second one. Our math teacher came up with the idea that wearing your pajamas inside out gave better luck of a snow day! Apparently that works! Along with the help of a few inches of snow and severe winds. Some ice never hurts. Unless you slip.

We set up a survival station in our living room for when the power went out. There's still a chance it could, but for the first time all winter, I can actually see sun out the window, so chances are pretty slim. Oh well! Still fun to have around!

Check out how much snow we have here! Not at ton compared to northern Illinois, but still. We all love snow!

On another note, we're having a dystopia (can you believe that's how you spell it?) unit in English class, so I read the book Unwind. Our other choices were the Hunger Games series or Uglies, but I've already read both of those. I read it and loved it! I even recommended it to Mom and she couldn't put it down either!

Now we're reading the same series after we finished that, also sort of a dystopia book. It's called Life As We Knew It, about when an asteroid hits the moon and sends it way closer to the Earth and waves and volcanos all get messed up. It's really good and even though I started it way before Mom, she finished it way before me. Typical.

Lastly, I have the final results from the Poll Of The Month:

Rock - 9
Pop - 7
Jazz - 5
Country - 4
Rap - 3
Classical - 3
Electric - 2

The electric and classical is kind of depressing because that's the kind I make on my computer for fun. Am I considered boring? Ahh! Be sure to check out the new Poll of the Month!

- The (boring?) blogger