Sunday, February 20, 2011

Snow and Valentines Day

Hmmm. It's been 19 days since my last blog post. Enough time for snow to fall, melt, and rain. Time to catch up.

The first thing that happened was . . . it snowed! For the second time all winter we went sledding! And even the next day we went sledding, and guess what happened there. Remember that reporter that interviewed me in my post, "Taste of Fame"? Well she was back and recognized us! We said hi and she interviewed some new people.

Here is my favorite frame from a movie my dad recorded of us.

We had some pretty serious crashes that day. Once we got home from sledding, Katelyn had the idea to build another snowman this winter. She rolled a snowball on top of me and dad raced to get the camera. Funny. If you click the picture, you can even see some of the scars and bruises I got on my face!

We finished the snowman in about 20 minutes! Dad added ears so it turned into snowbear.

There's me looking dorky as ever.

Valentines day came and we all exchanged gifts. Literally an hour before I had sent both of them E-cards. I got nothing but candy, so I was pretty happy.

Here are Mom and Katelyn looking nice.

Yeah, back to current events, every last bit of snow here melted. Sadly so did snowbear. It's even raining here as I type this! But on the up side, the temperatures are rising to sweatshirt, not coat levels, so I'm pretty happy about that.

Oh! How could I have forgotten?! On Saturday I went to band contest! It's not really contest, more like you play a song for judges and they grade you on it. I had been practicing for this for about a month now. When it came time for my turn, I played the song with my piano accompanist and we sounded pretty good. A few of my friends were in there too. But what really bummed me out was that most of my friends got ones, but I got a two. Oh well. Still sort of fun.

Also, for some reason, the poll closed on us. I'm not sure why, but I guess we'll just wait 7 more days for a new one.

Alright, I'm out.

- The Blogger

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