Sunday, May 29, 2011

The School Year is Ending

The school year is ending. No school tomorrow, a day of school on Tuesday, our Band Six Flags trip, then it's over. While most of my friends will be back next year, I'll be off to Uni. I'm incredibly excited, but I also want to take this time to reflect upon my past two years at Jefferson Middle School.

Dislikes: My health teacher, the pointless bullying, people who thought they were my friends when really I wanted nothing to do with them, the walk home

Likes: My friends, my video presentations, both my science teachers, the field trips, our cross country team

It's been a pretty good year, and I've decided to compile another list of likes and dislikes about switching schools to Uni. I've taken all of these into consideration way before I made the actual decision to go.

Dislikes: I'll be separated from Evan and many other friends, Uni's overall reputation, late dismissing time, no band program

Likes: Two of my friends will be there with me, less of a walk home (just to my mom's work), people more of my "level", free period, I'll be a "subbie" not an "eighth grader" (exactly the same thing but still), overall better education

I think I'm ready for this change. I don't go until late fall, but i'm ready. I hope to still see people like Evan at X-Country meets and over the summer.

I'm going to see Pirates of the Caribbean #4 later today, so I'm excited about that! Very off topic . . .

- The Blogger (is ready for Summer)

Sunday, May 22, 2011

The Katmobile

Right up front, I want to say that I did fix the movie problem! The URL to see it is here:

Not too bad. I still see things I could improve on. I have 2 new movies buzzing around in my head, so still be prepared!

Other good news, we recently bought a new vehicle for our long drive to the Rockies! Mom insisted on naming it, so we settled on The Batmobile. I loved the name, until Katelyn stated that she hated the name and officially changed the name to The Katmobile. I am most certainly not a fan of the name, but there's nothing I can do about it.

In my head I call it The Batmobile.

The school recently held it's last band concert of the year! Here's the video of my favorite song that we performed that night.

Until next time,

- The Blogger

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Mother's Day

I'm going to start this post out on a rather negative note. Every time I attempt to upload the video to blogger, it finishes then deletes itself. Once the problem is fixed (Which I may or may not have a solution to), I'll upload it then. In the meantime, Happy Mother's Day!

To start this post off, in my last one I stated that "I have something really fun planned for the weekend". Well, we went to Chicago and slept overnight in the Field Museum! We did this before with the Museum of Science and Industry last year, and we enjoyed it so much, we did it this year! Basically, we haul all of our stuff to the museum, unpack them somewhere, hang out at the museum 'til midnight, then go to sleep. I included a few pictures to help you get a better understanding.

A part of my mom's childhood, it's now part of Katelyn's. Mold-A-Rama.

We're all wearing matching shirts we bought here in our pajamas.

Katelyn is examining the most complete Tyrannosaurus Rex in the world, Sue.

Our spot to sleep in was the bird section.

Also, this Mother's day was pretty relaxed. Didn't do much. Of course mom got presents and a breakfast of banana cake, but other than that, it was pretty low key.

Until next post,

- The Blogger

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Minor Complications

Yeah, we've had some very minor complications getting today's blog post ready. It contained a movie file. No worries. With a little luck, we'll have it all set for tomorrow. Just hang tight. I have something really fun planned for the weekend and I'll probably blog more about that this coming Saturday or Sunday. Also, happy Cinco De Mayo!

-The Blogger

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

May Poll of the Month - High School

Yes, I added May's Poll of the Month. The question is "What was your favorite thing about high school?". I found this to be an appropriate question due to the fact that next year, I'm going to Uni! I've made up my mind and I will be a subfreshman at University Laboratory High School next year. We just finished applying last night, and once I get those in, I'll be all set to go for next year. I plan to participate in both track and cross country, but luckily one is in fall and the other in spring. In addition, I will have a blog post tomorrow too, and most likely one the next day, so keep an eye out!

- The Blogger