Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Part 4 of 4 of the Most Jam-Packed Summer Ever: Tech Camp

Sorry to leave you at a cliffhanger for such a long time. The fourth and final event of this summer was me going up to Chicago (or an area near it) and doing a sleep away camp for the first time in my life. It took place at Northwestern University and each person got a roommate that they slept with in a dorm. Each day there was pretty routine, but it never quite got old. We played video games for around 3 hours a day and there were a number of camps each person was in. My roommate and I were in the same camp: Java programming. It was a whole lot of fun! The first night was pretty difficult, but after that I just fit myself in the routine and it was all easy.

This is me in my dorm room. Not the greatest picture, but it captures it. I chose top bunk.

This is the final day when parents got to come and check out our work. I made a bunch of friends and despite the fact I'm looking a bit goofy, we all had fun.

This is the room where all thirty of us would spend the majority of the day working and playing games.

That's it. It's nice to be home, and the trip to South Dakota seems so distant now. Would you believe that my mom was actually planning a trip to D.C.?? Fortunately, we didn't carry through with it. Sadly, fun's over and I finally have to start on the book I'm required to read for school this year. I've got 14 days before school starts. There probably won't be another post until then, but you never know.

Oh, and by the way, something is a bit messed up with the Poll of the Month and it just says the question twice. Sorry about that.

- The Blogger

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