Saturday, January 1, 2011


First off, happy first day of 2011!

After Grandad and Grandma came over to spend some time with us, we all drove to Iowa to see McKinley, Bre, Aunt Jen, Aunt Dawn, Nana B, and Nana C. It was a lot of fun! We got to open even more presents!

Here's Katelyn and Bre posing with Grandma.

Bre got about a million hats from us!

Bre and Katelyn built a couple of snowmen (and a dog)!

I finally finished the 3D diamond puzzle!

It was a fun trip. We came back home, celebrated New Year's eve, and what do you know! It's 2011! But the stress isn't over yet. I have homework. I have to finish my book, and do a project on it. Due in six days. School can be a real pain in the neck sometimes.

Well, happy new year again.

- The Blogger.

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