Monday, January 24, 2011

Winter Dance

Friday was the winter dance. I missed the fall dance because I was in St. Louis. You remember those posts.

Anyways, I'm on Student Council and have to try to attend the dances as much as possible. Speaking of SC, our president, Evan (you may know him from many of my Andy Production 3000 movies), didn't do one day of it! Kind of a HUGE lack of school spirit if our president doesn't do it. Back on topic, I showed up at the dance really early because I signed up to help with set up. It was actually kind of fun!

From here on out, there really isn't much more to blog about. Basically most of the kids arrived and I worked a shift at the concession stand for a full reimbursement of my entrance fee. I like concessions. I hung out with friends and we had a fun time! A DJ was playing music and I even managed to get my socially - challenged best friend Evan to dance a little bit.

By the way, as far as the poll goes, Rock is taking the lead with Pop a close second.

- The Blogger

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