Sunday, December 26, 2010


Well, the greatest time of the year has passed. Christmas. As usual, we took a slew of photos and I smiled my cheeks off. It was worth it, though. The day before Christmas, we went over to Grandpa and Jackie's house to receive the first gifts of Christmas. A book on C++ programming!

After church that night, we went to bed at about 9:00. So many traditions here. First, I always get a present in my room as an introduction to Christmas. It was the Guinness Book of World Records 2011! Second, I always wake up at around 1:30 AM and go sleep in the hallway. Katelyn usually joins me. I'm going to see if I can get the pictures to explain the rest.

The thing under the hat is me. I almost wore it for a full 24 hours straight!

It actually snowed for once on Christmas! Amazing!

Here are all the presents under the tree.

Toby was happy today!

Here's me taking a picture of my main Christmas present!

In the end I got everything I wanted . . .

And Katelyn got everything she wanted

In complete reality, this was one of the best Christmases ever! Grandma came over later that day and I got even more presents! I ran out of space to put it all, so I piled it up in my room. I can't wait to go to Iowa to see even more of my Grandparents!

Merry (day after) Christmas!

-The satisfied Blogger

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