Wednesday, December 1, 2010


Today I decided to pay more attention to the people around me at school. When I did that, I realized that some of the most enforced rules at the school are also the most broken! For example, the three major rules at JMS is that you aren't allowed to have gum, no cell phones on during class, and laser pointers are confiscated on sight. Every one was broken at least once today.
In third hour, I saw a kid with a laser pointer! On! How much stupider can you get?! In fourth and sixth hour, I saw a total of four kids with their cell phones under their desks. A kid in front of me was playing pac - man, so I got to watch. During sixth hour, a kid in the back was offering his friend some gum and eating it right then and there. Oh! In seventh hour today, we had a substitute and this one kid had a pink camera right out in plain sight and was taking pictures for the last ten minutes!
And everybody knows that people do this. The only reason that people don't tell is that it's so common that it would be like telling on someone for eating! Plus, it would bump your rank to "tattletale", and that's not too fun.
Well, sorry that I don't have any pictures of this for the blog, but I don't break the rules at all at school and bring stuff like that in class. It's just wrong.
Oh, and by the way, the poll results are in:
Blowing up national monuments - 3 votes
Average day for a middle schooler - 4 votes
Breaking a world record - 4 votes
Building a cloning machine -3 votes
Real helpful guys. Don't forget to check back in for the next Poll of the Month!

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