Monday, December 13, 2010

School Free!


It has been 11 days since I made my last blog post! If you ever E-mail me, you know that I complain a lot about me being late to respond, so this is not a first for me. However, this is a first for the blog, and for that, I am very sorry. The reason I haven't been keeping up, you ask? Computer games, Wi - Fi, and sickness.

First off, we have been having some minor Wi - Fi problems for the past week. All of which got fixed, but still caused a problem for people like me who love to blog. It was a problem in parts of Chicago as well, but it's all better now. Secondly, I caught the bug that my mom had, got sick and missed a couple days of school. The perfect blogging time, right? Wrong! I had to either sit and watch TV or fall asleep. No computer time. I guess I could have blogged if I had wanted to, but I just wasn't up for it.

Lastly, Friday night (when I was planning on making a post here), I discovered a new computer game called Minecraft. For me, it may just be the most addicting game ever. I played the trial for only an hour before I decided to buy the whole thing! You are put on a randomly generated setting and have to mine underground for resources that you can use to make things. It is the ultimate game of creativity! I was so hooked on it that every chance I had to use my computer, I spent on Minecraft.

We had a very busy weekend. The fist thing that happened was it snowed about half a foot! We got to play in it and I would bet that I threw at least 20 snowballs at Katelyn!

Katelyn got pounded in the forehead with a snowball.

Look out!

Even in this picture I'm still holding a snowball.

What a fun day that was! We also saw the Nutcracker ballet for the fourth year in a row! I knew it so well that I even caught the fact that the orchestra skipped a song! Dance of the sugarplum fairies! How do you skip that?! We also bought a tree and Katelyn and Dad decorated it. I put the first ornament up.

Like it? Love it!

They decorated the tree very nicely! (I don't know why this is underlined)

Katelyn is proud of her work.

I almost forgot why I titled this post "School Free". Today is a snow day! This would mean that this is the fifth day in a row that I will have missed school! Yeah!

I made a goal last night: I won't play Minecraft until I finish my homework, update the blog, and finish Christmas shopping. I miss it so much. I sure hope I haven't lost any viewers because of this delay in posting! Until next post, good bye!

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