Friday, November 12, 2010

Jazz Concert Uh-Oh

Well, tonight was our first Jazz concert. To get you up to speed, I play the alto saxophone. As well as being in normal band at school, on Tuesdays and Thursdays I show up before school with a bunch of other guys for Jazz band. We do some new songs and then perform them at cabaret night, which was tonight. The order of the night was first some african drummers came and performed first, then drama club performed, then choir did their thing, and lastly, Jazz band.

Now, the deal is, for the past few months, we've been working on the same three songs over and over and over. Each day, I felt like I was progressing a little bit, but it wasn't until about half way through that I was assigned a written solo. Personally, I think that improvisation is easier than a written solo because you can fake a mistake better, so I was pretty nervous. This morning, I swear I played all three pieces perfectly, and was ready for tonight.

Unfortunately, as a superstitious person would say, don't play too good before a concert otherwise you will use it all up! Apparently, he was right. Come the big night, there were two reeds in my case. One beautiful one that I had been using for the past month and was in perfect condition and one that was not even close to broken in yet and sounded horrible. Guess which one I picked.

Yeah, I probably squeaked once every five notes. I was furious. Now, I am up to play my solo and my parents are videotaping. When I look back, I am so angry with how I played that I went into Garageband on my computer and rewrote the whole thing. This movie is completely edited, but this is pretty much how I played that morning.

I am sorry for putting so much text in this post, but thankfully, I am almost done.
I am also kind of happy that nobody really noticed too much even though I sure did. Anyways, I promise to do better at my next concert and I severely punished the reed. Until next post, good night.

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