Sunday, November 21, 2010

Our Weekend of Sickness, Boredom, and Harry Potter

Well, the title basically summed up the entire post. Yesterday, Katelyn said she wasn't feeling very well. I beg to differ. She attacked me and made me play a game of charades with her! In the end, we did realize she WAS sick. Call me crazy, but there is nothing better than being sick on a Saturday. It gives a perfect excuse to sit around and play Wii all day! I would rather be sick on a weekend because in middle school, if you miss one day, you come back to school with everybody talking about projects and major grades, and other stuff you missed, and it takes you about a week to get all caught up!

This has also been a weekend of boredom. All we did today was sit around and watch TV. So lucky Katelyn's sick. My mom got so fed up with me doing nothing, that she ASKED me to play Wii! That once in a lifetime chance, and I turn it down! Crazy me!
Even after all of this, the highlight of our weekend was probably that I got to see Harry Potter. Twice. We were going to have Katelyn stay at Grandma's while I went to see Harry Potter with Mom and Dad, but since she was sick, we had to take turns and I ended up seeing it twice, once with each parent.

I also took in my saxophone to the Music Shoppe and got it repaired. It was having trouble playing softly and couldn't get down to the really low notes. It sounds great, now! Just wanted to put that out there.

Lastly, this weekend has felt a little weird because this is the first weekend for a really long time that I haven't video chatted with Evan. We barely communicated once! Sorry that this post didn't have any pictures, but what would I have put up? Katelyn sneezing in slow motion? That actually sounds pretty cool . . . anyways, please don't forget to comment on these things! I love comments! Until next post, good night!

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