Friday, November 5, 2010

St. Louis - The City Museum

Hardly anyone knew this, but we took a vacation to St. Louis, Missouri! Surprise! We got to skip school today and take a ride! But before that, we had to spend a few hours getting ready. We planned to leave at 10:00 AM. Instead we left around 1:00 PM. Since I was blasting my eardrums with music while being under a blanket half asleep, I don't know what anyone else did on the car ride to St. Louis. When we finally arrived, we checked in and rode to the only thing that we were going to do that day: The City Museum.

Now, chances are, if you're my age, you have been to the City Museum. Just to clarify, the City Museum is the farthest thing from a museum that you can get. It is a huge playground of a building made for half-monkey people like myself. It is based upon secret passageways half a foot wide so you can abandon your parents with ease. Climb in one hole, end up three stories down on the other side of the building. With a fork in the path every five feet, it's a child's paradise.

On the other hand, If you're like dad, you think that it is a nightmare come true. I told him that I found an area where we could climb down it and it would take us to the exact area where mom and Katelyn were. Oops. I realized too late that it didn't go anywhere really. I could climb through the vertical six inch exit fine. Dad couldn't. Once he was down, he was stuck. I planned to stay in the giant unbalanced room with him until he got out. Until I got hungry that is. He was persistent though. I admit, it was rather funny how he tried and slipped, tried and slipped. It was every fiber of my being not to whip out my video camera. Eventually though, he forced himself out and scared a couple of girls.

We also took a few pictures while we were there! Check it out:

Here's Katelyn and I running in a giant hamster wheel. On the interstate highway, we'd be speeding.

Such fun when all the lights go out at 10:00 at night.

11 floors up on the roof of the building, a ferris wheel! That's not dangerous at all!

Nothing stops me from using my video camera!

That streak of a person is Katelyn, and that black hole thing is me.

Freezing cold out. Nothing but a sweatshirt. Climbing stepping stones through a pond with water shooting at you.


Looking at these pictures, you haven't seen the half of it. Not even a single passageway is revealed here. Nor is the aquarium, the ten story slide, the climbing pipes hidden in the ceiling, or the random coils that you can climb through. Even though I nearly broke all of my fingers, a leg, and received dozens of scratches and bruises, I can't wait to come back in the future.
You should too.

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